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Meditation, Dreams and Visions

We were initially going to write this as a Patreon exclusive post (for our Initiate-tier and Adept-tier members), however, since we believe that what we are about to discuss is something that many individuals do not fully understand, we have decided to make this a blog post instead – easily accessible by all, so that hopefully we can clarify this little issue once and for all. Although this probably will not effectively remove this misconception altogether, at least the information will be out there for those who seek it.

Today we will be discussing dreams and visions…specifically, that not all dreams are visions and that not all dreams have spiritual significance or meaning. This also pertains to meditation and meditative states; however, we will discuss that a bit later on in the post.

We’re going to state it simply from the start: not all dreams are, in fact, visions…and not all dreams carry spiritual significance. Many people, especially when they first start to practice Magick in some form or another, think that whenever they have a dream, that it must have some spiritual significance or meaning. It must be a vision, or it must be a communication from an Entity etc etc etc. As nice as that would be…this is unfortunately not the case at all and most dreams are mere “inner dialogue” you are having with yourself.

To explain why, first, let’s discuss what dreams are and where do they come from. Dreams originate from your subconscious mind – because, as you sleep, your conscious mind (in other words, your “awake” and “logic” mind) takes a step into the background, and your subconscious mind (more closely related to your spiritual self or “intuitive” self) comes to the front. Sleep is the time of the subconscious. The subconscious is a very tricky and delicate thing…it does not have the discernment or reasoning of your conscious mind, and as such, it is very malleable. The vast majority of dreams come from your subconscious and depicts:

1)      Things that have been bothering you.

2)      Things that have been on your mind.

3)      Things that you fear.

4)      Things that you desire.

5)      Things that you have seen or experienced that left an impression on you.

These things are recalled by your subconscious mind and presented as dreams. An inner dialog. Some more abstract and “dream-like” where you do not have any control over yourself or the dream, and others so lucid and realistic, so as to almost mistake it for reality.

Why? Why do you have dreams? What is the purpose of dreams? We call dreams “inner dialog” for good reason. Dreams are a way for you (and your subconscious) to process various things, or to bring various things to light so that you can deal with it.

As an example, if you recently experienced a traumatic event, you will most likely have nightmares for quite some time afterwards. Dreams of dying, losing control, or even reliving the trauma is extremely common. Does this mean that it will happen again, or that you are soon to die? No. It simply means that you (your subconscious) is trying to work through and process the trauma, and wants to bring it to the attention of your conscious mind as well…basically, you are telling yourself to deal with it.

As another example, you have been wanting to communicate with a Spirit so badly, so badly that you think about that constantly. All of a sudden, you have a dream where an “Entity” approaches you and starts talking to you. Did you have a vision? Did an Entity come to speak to you in your dreams? Unfortunately not. Your desire is reflected in your dreams - because you wanted to communicate with an Entity so badly…your subconscious manifested your desire for you.

Although visions of the future and Spirit Communications may occur during dreams, it is extremely, extremely rare to happen. The vast majority of dreams are mere dreams.

But what if you receive a ritual during a dream, or some answers that proved true? That still does not mean that it was anything more than a dream – you see, your subconscious is extremely powerful – not hindered as the conscious mind is. It does not just manifest fears or desires…it can also manifest answers…true and accurate answers to questions or problems you may have. It’s far easier to credit some random unnamed Entity or a divine vision or whatever for giving you much-needed and accurate answers than knowing it came from you. The subconscious is a most excellent “problem solver”…and can access a lot of information that you might think impossible to do. We won’t discuss how this happens, as this isn’t the place nor the time for this. Just know that you are far more capable than what you even know.

Most dreams that new practitioners experience are Entity-based, or even dreams where you are “initiated” or “baptized” by an Entity or Deity. And let us not forget dreams where an Entity tells you how you are /so/ important and special. This is so common…such common dreams…that it has almost become a stereotype in our eyes. We had them too all those years ago. It makes you feel good, doesn’t it? Makes you feel special and powerful and unique. But! They. Are. Only. Dreams. No “initiation” took place, no “Entity” came to sing your praises…no. You were showing that to yourself, doing that to yourself. Your desire manifested.

Can Entities appear in dreams? Yes, they can – but this is far, far more rare than you would think. Even if you have worked with an Entity for many years…they will likely not appear to you in a dream. Why should they, if they can simply communicate with you while you are awake? Why should they, if you will likely forget most of the dream upon waking? Why should they, if they can simply “whisper” in your ear while you are awake, and all of a sudden you feel as if you had a massive stroke of genius (when, as a matter of fact, it is either a kind little whisper…or a nudge of manipulation?) Dream communication is generally unreliable…not worth the effort, and as such, Entities do not use that as a common or popular method at all.

But what if Lilith appeared fully manifested, took you to the bowels of “hell”, embraced you, and said that you should work with her?

Well then…to this we will ask you the following.

1)      Did you at any point in time feel drawn to Lilith?

2)      Did you think about working with her?

3)      Did you read about her lately?

4)      Have you been thinking about her?

5)      …and so on.

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions: that was not Lilith…but you. Sorry.

Why? Because you have been thinking about her, thinking about working with her, thinking about pursuing the Infernal paths and, perhaps due to any religious background you may have, relate Lilith and other such things to the notion of the Infernal by default. You, your desire and thoughts, manifested “Lilith” for you. We could go on.

If an Entity “calls” you…it doesn’t happen in dreams. If an Entity “initiates” you…it doesn’t happen in dreams.

Now, moving on to meditative states.

An equally as common thing to happen to novices is that they will experience “visions” while meditating. The same general rules of dreams apply once again, as, during meditation, you dull down the conscious mind and elevate the subconscious mind.

If an Entity “calls” you…it won’t randomly happen during a routine meditation. If you receive a vision…it also won’t randomly happen during a routine meditation. In fact, if you perform a normal, routine meditation, and all of a sudden you “hear voices” or “see visions” or whatever…you are actually failing in the meditation aspect – as, during such normal and routine meditations…you should effectively “shut the fuck up” and your mind should literally be blank. Nothingness. A fucking bomb can go off beside you, and you won’t even be bothered. That is meditation. We’re not talking about the lazy-dabbling-housewife-feelgood form of meditation where you read about meditation in a magazine and decide to practice it. No. We’re talking about proper meditation – as used for the sake of Occult practices. During a normal and routine meditation, if you experience a “vision” – or “see an Entity”…that is a manifestation by you.

Heed our words: it won’t randomly happen during a routine meditation.

Can Entities commune with you through meditation? Yes. Can you receive visions through meditation? Yes. BUT! Not during your average-everyday meditative session. No. Unless of course you have built up a strong and proper relationship with a specific Entity by actively working with them - then they can simply “appear” in a normal meditative state without being prompted or called. Or, if you perform an Evocation, actually call forth an Entity, and then enter a meditative state for the sake of communing with the said Entity – then you may hear them, see them etc. But…in your normal daily meditation session? No.

This is also why it is so dreadfully important to be able to control your own thoughts, to be able to discern what is you and what is not you, to develop your spiritual senses. To avoid all the drama of inner dialogue being mistaken as “otherworldly guidance”.

As a note - to illustrate this rather bluntly...say you had a dream about Buddha coming to tell you that you should pursue a certain path. Listen very carefully...why would Buddha - "the" Buddha...come to you specifically and personally, just to tell you to practice a certain path? Even though Buddha has nothing to do with magick and when you're not even a worshiper? Hm.


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