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It’s been quite a while since we wrote anything on our blog, and while we were thinking about what to write, we were inspired by a recent string of suicides in the area which we live. Today we are going to talk about suicide – not the act itself, but what the aftermath would be. No, we’re not even talking about the people that are left behind – but rather what tends to happen to people who commit suicide after the fact.

With this being said, if you personally regard the topic to be a bit too much for you – kindly do not read it. But, be that as it may, we will not shy away from the subject – because what we are about to say must be said.

Most people commit suicide due to high emotional states which are universally negative. The death of a loved one, breakups, cheating, debt, self-hatred etc. Sure, some people commit suicide without any negative reasons, or even positive reasons in fact, and simply do it because they want to or to end their physical suffering and so on. Yet, the majority of suicides are emotionally-charged.

These people believe that ending their own lives will end their pain, their torment. So that they can be free from the emotional torture that they are feeling.

They are wrong.

In fact, by the very act of suicide, they are condemning themselves to remain in that state. Forever.

People who take their own lives in heightened emotional states 99.9% of the times remain in that same state for the rest of their existence. They do not free themselves from the pain – they then embody it.

They do not go to “hell” or whatever as “punishment” by some “overseeing Deity” or such. No. They are free to go and be where they please – yet, they are so consumed by their hatred, their anguish, their pain that they do not even realize that.

We’ve lost count of how many such Spirits we’ve encountered over the years. They are stuck in their own self-imposed hells, experiencing their torment every second of every day. They cannot be reasoned with at all – so even if you find one and you want to communicate with it, or try to help it – you cannot. They literally cannot do anything but suffer. They cannot feel anything but pain. This grows and grows upon itself until they lose all sense of identity, and they then remain as a shell that is the very embodiment of their pain. A faceless, nameless shell of torment.

How do we know this? Experience. You see enough of these Spirits, you encounter the aftermath of suicides enough – both fresh and old – you communicate with them enough…and then you see that they are all in the same self-created hellish state of existence.

We’ve found Spirits (of suicide) that are so consumed with rage, that they destroy everything that’s in front of them. We’ve found Spirits (of suicide) that are so torn by anguish and despair that they simply remain in the exact location and position in which they died, and they become a cancerous mass of pain without awareness of the world around them.

The point that we are trying to make is this:

If you are considering suicide, or if you ever consider suicide – heed the words that we’ve written here. And remember them well.

You might be wondering about those who committed suicide that weren’t in any emotional torment, that simply wanted to leave this world. They don’t end up in the same way as the others – they don’t end up as those who take their own lives in emotional turmoil. They become “normal” Spirits as they usually would become after they die a natural death…as if they died a natural death.

But emotionally-charged suicides? They’re not nearly as lucky.


All of our writings, including our blog posts, are copyrighted to us (Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux under the pseudonyms of Baron and Baronessa Araignee) and our business Araignee Arcane Services. Our writings are original and not copied content.

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Unknown member
3 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

A very interesting and thought provoking post, even though a little sad.

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