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Spellwork Specifics

When Spellwork is performed, it goes without saying that you need to have some goal or purpose you want to fulfill with the operation you seek to perform.

In previous writings of ours, we mentioned that specificity can be rather important – especially when Entities are involved…however, to many people, this indicated for some reason that they should go from one extreme (no specifics) to the other extreme (extremely specific). Allow us to explain this a bit better…

At risk of sounding terribly repetitive: Magick = energy. Energy, by its base nature, takes the “shortest” or “easiest” route to its goal or purpose. Magick is no exception to this, and if a working (Spellwork, Ritual etc) is performed, then – like energy – it will take the easiest route to manifest the desired outcome. This is true about employing Entities as well – yet, for different reasons. Entities, like most people in fact, also prefer to take the easiest route or course of action so that they do not need to put in any extra effort. They will avoid any energetic/psychic barriers and the like. Those who specialize in opening tears and portals will do so just to bypass certain barriers…but we digress.

Because Magick (and Entities) take the easiest route to manifest the desired outcome…if you provide no specifics about the route (or manner) in which this should manifest, then the manifestation ought to be extremely swift…with possible detrimental effects.

As an example, you perform a working of wealth to obtain a large amount of money, but you are not specific about “how” this should occur. The next day, your house burns down with everything in it while you are at work…but fret not, your insurance policy paid out a large amount of money because of this. You got your “large amount of money” – but not in the most…hmmm…”favorable” manner.

However, if you bring in some specifics – such as that the large amount of money should come to you in non-detrimental, non-harmful means…then you “block off” the Magick from taking routes which will manifest your desire in those manners.

You can get even more specific to channel the Magick better (and to direct the Entities better) by stating things such as the large amount of money should come to you through a raise and a promotion at your workplace. You then direct the Magick and Entities even further.

This is all good and well – but this is where many people tend to go a bit overboard.

As soon as you start becoming specific about the how, when, where, why and so on – you start blocking off avenues of manifestation. The more specific you become…the more you are actually limiting how your desired outcome can manifest…

…and by limiting how it can manifest, the time-frame of manifestation will likely increase exponentially. There are other factors involved here as well, but this is the only one that you need to heed.

The easiest route is not necessarily the best route – and this is true in extent and degree – however, the more you limit the how of manifestation, the more difficult you essentially make it for the performed Spellwork or Entities employed.

As an extremely blunt example – let us say that you want someone to perish. The best way to have this happen swiftly is to direct it as simply as possible – let this person perish physically without any negative repercussions to you (such as them taking you with them). End. Yet, this is where people start to get awfully creative: this person must perish without any negative repercussions to you…

BUT it must also appear as an “accident”

BUT not in your car

BUT you must be in their last will and testament

BUT you cannot be anywhere near this person when this happens

BUT it must also be over a weekend

BUT they must first visit their parents

Oh, and it should also happen as soon as possible.

…sure, you can have all of that – but it most definitely will not happen “as soon as possible”. You have just limited the operation so severely, that it will be a thrice-damned miracle if an Entity will take on this request.

So, in any Spellwork you must ask yourself this:

Do you want this to happen swiftly or in the exact way that you want it to happen? You cannot have both.

You can add some specifics, and in fact you definitely should add some specifics…but remember that for each directive you give, you are limiting possible avenues of manifestation, which means more complications, which means more time. And if Entities are involved, this also means more payment that they will demand, because they have to put in a lot of extra effort, which will likely limit their own natures in so doing.

The next time you want to perform a working to some purpose or another, the best advice we can give you is to determine what you absolutely don’t want to happen to achieve this, and add that as your clause(s)…then, leave the rest up to the Magick itself or Entities.

…and when we say absolutely don’t, we do not mean “slight inconvenience” or some other such bullshit – no. We’re talking about serious things, not some petty bothers or preferences.

Keep it simple, stupid.


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