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The Cost of Respect

The following was found on a meme post:

[to any deity in particular]: Hi, I’ve brought shitty alcohol, two electric candles, a chocolate bar, my many issues, and an undying love for you. Can you help me un-fuck myself?

[deity]: sighs deeply

Funny, isn’t it? Absolutely side-splittingly funny. Funny because that’s exactly how it goes – not just for Deities, but any Spirit in general. Funny because it’s true.

This stands as a testament to the exaggerated importance that people think they have in the grand scheme of things. Most people want a Deity or Entity to painstakingly help them with all of their problems…but in exchange? Some cheap booze and expired foods…and a “love” as lasting as their attention span.

A pittance, scraps from a table that those same people wouldn’t even partake of themselves. Yet, the Entity called upon is expected, nay, demanded to solve all possible problems and desires while being treated as far, far lesser than what they actually are.

This might sound strange coming from us, since we are at the forefront of insisting that you develop yourself spiritually and not rely upon Spirits or Entities to assist you with everything. This statement of ours, this stance – this isn’t born from a hatred or mistrust of Spirits and Entities as a whole – no. It’s pretty simple really: if you spend your life on your knees in front of something else (even with your terribly offensive and neglectful offerings) then you do not grow or develop yourself in the least – which should be the most important thing in your practices…lest you remain a weak, pitiful little thing that cannot even solve your own problems or manifest your own desires. What, then, is the point of you wanting to pursue Magick in the first place?

We never said that you should never, ever work with Entities – hell, we would be hypocrites if we had to say such a thing! Simply don’t neglect yourself and your own development in the process.

Nonetheless, back to the topic at hand…

Let’s do a role reversal for a moment, shall we? You are an ancient Deity. Festivals were held in your name, you were celebrated. Throngs of people fell down before you, massive sacrifices were made in your name. With a mere whisper from you, scores of people would willingly lay their lives down for you, out of such love and devotion.

Yet, one day, out of the blue, some random person who doesn’t even have the common decency and respect to at the very least call upon you in a clean area  – throws you some cheap incense and a glass of water…and demands from you that they want their ex back? In exchange for what? Oh, the glass of water and a drop of blood perhaps. As if you should be so grateful and thankful to be treated as lesser than dirt, to simply be in the presence of this human.

Even if you do give this insolent human what they want…they will forget all about you. Until, of course, they need something new from you.

How did this make you feel? We’re pretty sure that it doesn’t feel very nice, does it?

Let’s play another role quickly, yet, instead of the Divine, let us look at the Demonic.

During your life – you were an herbalist as well as a midwife. You helped people who could not help themselves, and in exchange, you asked for simple items such as food and so on. A trade. You saved many lives, brought many lives into the world…until one day, you caught the attention of someone with ulterior motives. Now, you are a witch, a Devil’s spawn…cursed by “god”. After being tortured by religious sadists, eventually you got your release, in the center of a pyre, being burned alive, while all those you have helped, who were so “thankful” for you…watched you burn, and some even cheered. “Thank god the witch is dead”.

Your pain and anguish, suffering and torment turned into hate. Hate blacker than the abyss itself. You changed and became something else…something more…something greater than the “witch” you were alleged to be.

Then, all of a sudden – you are called forth by someone as if a dog, using the same verses from the Bible and names of god that were shouted at you while they broke very bone in your body. “My husband is being unfaithful…bring him back to me. I give you this incense in payment.”

This reminds you of your past…and the “thankfulness” of those you helped before. Yet, now, you are not so helpless as you once were.

So, you smile and agree sweetly. Because you know something…

…that this dabbler doesn’t know.

Do you see what we are trying to convey here?

Spirits and Entities do not exist to be your servants, at your beck and call, to be summoned up and discarded once done like some cheap, disease-ridden whore. Yet, unfortunately, so many of you forget this.

Some were gods and were venerated by humans for ages, experiencing only the best humanity has to offer…others, only experienced the worst of humanity, suffering in torment untold.

What binds them all together is this – any Spirit…even the most pathetic and weak of the bunch, carries more power than the average living human. Fact.  

Yet, when called upon for assistance, guidance and help, so many people…so many “practitioners” forget that these things called upon, be they Divine or Inversely-Divine, at the least demands a modicum of respect.

Not the cheapest wine on the shelf of the corner convenience store. Not the stale fucking biscuits that were forgotten in the back of the cupboard for months. Offered upon a half-created altar that is covered in dirt and dust. Summoned by someone who cannot even pronounce your name correctly. No.

Various Entities and Deities will still help you nonetheless…regardless of your lack of decency and respect – but know this, everything has a price, whether you know about it or not.

And ever still, some prices are kinder, and yet others…are far more insidious.

...we know a secret about this…

Will we share it?


Why not?

Because we actually took the damn time to listen to all of those Entities and Deities we ourselves have ever called forth – past, present and even those of the future. We listened to their stories, their pain, their melancholy, their joys, their reminiscent ponderings. We took the time to get to know them for who they are – not simply for what they can do for us.

Because we took the time, and had respect for them.

You want to know the secret as well?

Well then, perhaps you should rethink how you view Entities…as well as how you approach them.


All of our writings, including our blog posts, are copyrighted to us (Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux under the pseudonyms of Baron and Baronessa Araignee) and our business Araignee Arcane Services. Our writings are original and not copied content.

If you like any of our posts and would like to share them, feel free to do so by selecting one of the sharing options below. If you would like one of our blog posts to be on your website or blog (and for us to be guest bloggers) simply reach out to us via email.

Plagiarism is an extremely damaging and annoying thing – and by plagiarizing our work (or another’s) you are not just stealing – you are damaging your own name, as things like this always come to light. Don’t be a typical human.


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Unknown member
Oct 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It’s a very beautiful article, quite revealing of our selfish attitudes. ‘Give me please… grant my wish… without even a semblance of adoration of these entities we demand!’ What proportion of his time should a magician dedicate to devotion and thanking these entities? How many entities can we worship without contradictions beyond the reasonable?


Unknown member
Aug 30, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

AGREE 100%

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