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The Potential of Magick

This blog post is going to be about something rather important – especially to those who are interested in Magick. It is about something that many of these “budding practitioners” suffer from…as well as the cause of many paths being abandoned – not due to anything but the sharp sting of reality.

Many people are interested in Magick and the Occult, however, once they start actually practicing and not just reading it about it, they come to realize that Magick…*real Magick* is nothing what they expected it to be.

Why ?

Many people are in love with the idea of Magick…the idea of certain practices and paradigms, however, as soon as they encounter actual Magick or the true core of certain practices…they are usually either disappointed or shocked to their core.

The problem is this: they love the idea…but not the practice itself.

Let’s take Magick as a whole for a moment. Just one look at classic literature, legends and even depictions in popular culture fills you with such glorious imagery of practitioners, witches and mages. This sets the base for unrealistic expectations from the very start.

Magick is patience, practice, dedication, trial and error, dedication, research, DEDICATION…you can’t just read some arcane-sounding words and flick your wrists about and voila – all your dreams are manifest. No. That’s not how actual Magick works.

Indeed, Magick can do seemingly miraculous things…you can change and manipulate any situation as you see fit. You can do many of the things that are written about in legends – however this will not happen overnight. Not at all.

Studying and PRACTICING the Occult Arts will eat your time and patience like nothing else in this world. To do something as “simple” as changing the weather…you need to have basic knowledge of energy and energy manipulation, you need to be able to assert your Will over something which is not physical and “alive” in the mundane sense of the word, you need to take the energy you don’t want and replace it with the energy that you do want…all the while making sure to not set the base for some massive blowback, as the weather does not like to be fucked with. We’re not even going to mention if you want to do this via an Entity. And this is just the tip of the iceberg if you want to change something like the weather - something which is rather commonplace in Magickal practices.

Now let’s mention paradigms. Many people are drawn to especially the “darker” practices and paradigms such as Infernal Magick and Necromancy…but, as soon as they see, encounter or experience actual Infernal Magick or actual Necromancy…they become scared and disturbed.

Let’s take Necromancy as an example. Necromancy pertains to working with the Dead. Do you know what else Necromancy is? It is visceral, it is cruel and blunt, it is dangerous…you will have to interact with Spirits and Entities which will fucking consume you in an instant if given the chance.

Yet, along comes a novice (hell, not even a novice) who loves the idea of Necromancy and decides that they want to practice it. As soon as they call forth their first Spirit (who will most likely be a parasitical little imp instead of who they actually wanted to call forth, because they do not have enough knowledge or experience to ensure otherwise)…as soon as they feel an unseen hand press upon their back, or hear rappings on the ceiling…they literally fucking shit themselves…and that is not even the actual scary parts.

Likewise with Infernal Magick. How many people do not salivate at the thought of one of our most notorious books, The Black Book of Bel-El-Hul and decide to buy it because they love the idea of it and regard themselves to be real “badass LHP practitioners”…yet, as soon as they see a mere taste of actual Infernal Magick…they become so fucking terrified, that they want to destroy the book. But…weren’t they such “badasses”? Weren’t they “LHP practitioners”? Hm.

If you are interested in Magick or certain paradigms…before you jump into something that you do not fully understand, and before you get involved with something that you do not actually want to be involved in – analyze yourself, question yourself. Do you really want to practice it? Really? Or did you recently see a movie or a TV show and fell in love with the idea of it?

Do this for your own sake, because…

Once you open that door – you can never close it again. Never. No matter how far you run or where you run to.

We will butcher the originally intended meaning of a quote to illustrate this to you:

“If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

…and here’s a little secret we will part with:

Every single blog post, video, book…everything we have ever said or written about Magick and the various paradigms is merely the tip of the Magickal iceberg…the breath before the plunge.


All of our writings, including our blog posts, are copyrighted to us (Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux under the pseudonyms of Baron and Baronessa Araignee) and our business Araignee Arcane Services. Our writings are original and not copied content.

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