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The Pretentious Faces of "Witchcraft"

Fads and phases come and go like the changing tides – some remain and become integrated in societal circles, and others stay as mere fads and disappear like mist before the sun…eventually.

This happens with almost every part of society and global culture – fashion, slang terms, popular media…and the Occult is no exception to this.

Unfortunately though, as is the case with most phases people go through, the Occult-based phases tend to be highly questionable…and to us personally, a bit annoying.

One of the most “recent” phases pertaining to Magick and the Occult relates to Witchcraft and is piloted by the newer generations on social media…where, apparently, being a “witch” now means that you need to be a female with an innate hatred for the “patriarchy”, following socially-accepted reasoning (in other words, be “woke” or whatever ridiculous term people have for this nowadays).

These individuals with their brightly colored hair, generally constipated attitudes and pretentious feministic outlook believe that all you need to do to become a “witch” is to read the Tarot. Or throw some tea leaves into a cup and read the pretty little patterns they make. All while bemoaning the lack of “women’s rights” and regarding themselves as “suffragettes” of the modern day.

Instant migraine.

This blog post serves as a friendly little public service announcement from us, your friendly yet terribly blunt and jaded couple from Araignee Arcane Services:

Whatever the fuck those people are…are not “witches”. It appears to be more of a politically-motivated statement than anything else. A trendy thing to do.

Do you want to know what real Witchcraft is? Let us tell you.

As most of you know by now, our initial path was that of Black Witchcraft (the decidedly “darker” variant of Witchcraft = Earth Magick + Necromancy + Infernal Magick). Witchcraft, original Witchcraft, is not about “light and life” and all that Hallmark-feelgood-movie bullshit. It is also not about fitting into some social clique of “sisterhood”. It is also not about sticking it to the “patriarchy”.

…and don’t even get us started on the whole “being politically correct” situation.

Witchcraft, real Witchcraft is visceral, it sees not gender or race or being “socially acceptable”.

At its very core, Witchcraft is Earth Magick. So, to illustrate the notion of Witchcraft to you, we’ll explain it like this:

Look at nature, the Earth itself.

Is it kind and caring and nice and sweet and loving? No.

Does it care about doing the “right” thing as per the perceptions of those who live upon it? No.

Is it all “life and light”? No.

Does it appear to give a shit about gender? No.

Nature is cruel, yet it can be kind. Nature is blunt, visceral and harsh. Nature destroys and creates with the same hand.  

To further illustrate this…have you ever looked at, or even worked with Nature Spirits, Spirits of the Wilderness, or even Deities associated with nature?

Earth-based Deities embody the full spectrum of nature’s dual aspects, reflecting both its nurturing and its destructive forces. They represent the harmony and balance inherent in the natural world, which includes creation, sustenance, decay, and destruction. This duality is essential to their nature, as they mirror how nature is both a source of life and growth, as well as death and devastation.

As a few examples, Frey from Norse mythology is associated with fertility, prosperity, and agriculture. As the god of rain, sunshine, and harvest, he ensures that the earth is bountiful and that crops grow, which brings abundance and wealth to his people. Yet, he is also linked to death and the cycle of life. In some stories, Frey's rule over fertility and growth comes with the cost of eventual decline and death, as life inevitably moves towards decay and renewal. His association with sacrifice, particularly through the myth of his weaponless confrontation at Ragnarok reflects the inevitable destruction within the natural cycle.

Cernunnos is the god of the forest, wild animals, and fertility. He represents the life force of nature, the abundance of wildlife, and the vitality of the natural world. His connection to the forest's fertility and the nurturing aspects of animals highlights the provision of food, resources, and the richness of life. Yet, Cernunnos also embodies the unpredictable and dangerous side of nature. He is linked to the untamed and primal forces of the wilderness, where predators and the struggle for survival play out. Additionally, his association with the underworld connects him to death and the life cycle, where life and decay are intertwined.

Gaia is seen as the ultimate nurturing force, responsible for giving life to all creatures, plants, and living beings. She provides sustenance, shelter, and the resources needed for survival. Gaia is often revered as a motherly figure who ensures the continuity of life. Yet, Gaia also represents the destructive power of the earth, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. When wronged, she can unleash catastrophic events that lead to devastation and death, reminding humans of nature's uncontrollable and fearsome aspects.

Not even to mention Elementals and Spirits of the Wilderness. Honestly, Spirits of the Wilderness is one of our most favorite classes of Spirits. And for good reason.

After all is said and done…compare all of this with those alleged “witches” doing the rounds on social media. None of them have ever practiced true Witchcraft in their entire lives and will likely be fucking eaten alive by the Spirits and Deities of that pantheon.

Hopefully this decidedly feminism-rooted phase will pass sooner rather than later.


All of our writings, including our blog posts, are copyrighted to us (Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux under the pseudonyms of Baron and Baronessa Araignee) and our business Araignee Arcane Services. Our writings are original and not copied content.

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Plagiarism is an extremely damaging and annoying thing – and by plagiarizing our work (or another’s) you are not just stealing – you are damaging your own name, as things like this always come to light. Don’t be a typical human.

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Thank you for this, and I wished that all the fake feminists fools out there could read that blog post. As a man who is learning real Witchcraft, via the Araignee duo's grimoire 'The Book Of Azarak', I also find it annoying that pretentious phonies think they are "top dog" and are being oppressed by men, and feel some need to lash out at them. I have numerous books on the history of Witchcraft, and 1/4 of the people who were victims of the Inquisition persecutions were men.

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