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The Tired Subject of How Businesses Work

As we write this, this is the year 2024 – and we’re all living in the age of information and technology. People have access to information that, let’s say 100 or even 50 years ago, they never would have dreamed of being able to have access to. Type in any question on a search engine and voila! You can find the answers to anything and everything.

This is a breakthrough not just for mundane topics, but even the Occult and Magick. No longer is Occult practices shrouded in dark and utter secrecy…only being relayed by teachers to students in a word-of-mouth setting. No – the age of information affects all types of information…including that of the Magickal persuasion.

We too participate in this dissemination of information – mostly through our paid services and books, consultations, Patreon memberships and so on – divulging information that you can use to either ascend yourself to the heights of power…or, if you are a dabbler, with which you will utterly destroy yourself in your ignorance. Either way.

We also present free content – in the form of these blog posts and public videos – however, just because it’s free doesn’t mean that the information shared is inferior in any way…it’s simply more basic – although many of it is actually a bit more than basic in fact.

Nonetheless…even though we have written so many books, offer so many courses and even offer consultations to answer whatever questions you may have…

…there are still many individuals who think that we are a “question and answer” service…a free public service where you can just pop in out of the blue, ask us any question and we will freely divulge even the most secret of secrets to you. For free. Then you are free to disappear again. Until you deem our knowledge and experience needed once again – then you can just pop right back to us. As if you are summoning some lesser Spirit to do your fucking bidding at your whim and beckon.


Definitely not.

You see, we run a business. Araignee Arcane Services is not a charity organization. It is a business. Ergo, if you want something from a business – you need to pay for it.

Let’s paint you a picture…

If you have a medical question…let’s say that you want to diagnose yourself and then medicate yourself. Would you walk into a doctor’s office or a hospital, without even introducing yourself, then demand to speak to the most senior doctor on staff and demand that they answer your questions and assist you…for free? That they must provide you with everything that you need to diagnose yourself, which they obtained throughout years of studying…all for nothing? Would you do this?

Of course not! It’s rude, and speaks very terribly of your nature and character as a person!

…yet, you would do so with us?

Why? Because you think that what we do, that the Occult Itself, is somehow lesser than a mere medical doctor?

Because you mistake our kindness for weakness, and that we actually personally care about your own wants?

It’s disrespectful. Even Spirits and Entities that you work with gets something from you…some form of “payment” (whether you actually know this or not)…but apparently we are the exception.

Wow – this blog post got really dark and angry all of a sudden…didn’t it?

You see, if there is one thing that we despise more than dabblers…it’s people who sit with their hands in the begging-bowl fashion, demanding free everything. They don’t want to put in the actual fucking effort of finding the answers for themselves by themselves by actually practicing…they simply want the answers on a silver platter. And best of all, they don’t even want to recompense you for your time, attention and the answers they seek. Because they think that they are somehow so special and important, that everything must simply be given to them.

Oh, we gladly share the information and knowledge that we’ve discovered throughout all the many years of our actual and practical experience in the fields of the Occult Arts. We do so, so that you don’t have to spend fucking years of your life, sifting through all the bullshit just to get to a nugget of worthy information…which, by the way, is what we had to do to get to where we are now. And what we still do.

We offer the opportunity to bypass all of that blood, sweat, tears, existential crises and bullshit – the closest thing that you will get to a “short cut” in Magick.


…this “information nexus” that we offer you is not for free.

Why not?

Because we had to actually work to get this knowledge.

Because we dedicated our entire lives to get this knowledge.

Because we run a business.

Because we do not exist merely to be at your fucking service.

Because we live in the mundane world and the mundane world costs money to live in whether we like it or not.

Because this is our line of work.

Because this is what we do for a living.

We know that not all of you see us as some sort of lesser fucking Demons to disrespect…and to you, we say thank you. Thank you for not being a user. Thank you for not being a parasite. Even those of you who are our students, or who are loyal clients who ask us questions from time to time – we will answer you for free at times…because you are a loyal client!

…but to the rest of you…know this:

We will gladly answer whatever questions you have on the Occult and Magick. Gladly! But…

Not. For. Free.

If what you seek is not available on our blog or free videos, then either purchase our books, a course, or a consultation from us. Then, we will gladly assist you (or our books will assist you). Either way.

If you still think that we are here at your beckon call, and that you are so special so as to warrant “free” things, we will outright ignore you.

…you know, we’ve written about this before, some time ago. In a much nicer way too, yet, the message still somehow cannot get through to some of you. Hmmm…perhaps in cases such as these we should initiate a different form of “payment”…which we will take from you by force. We are Master Occultists after all…do you seriously think it’s a good idea to test us?


All of our writings, including our blog posts, are copyrighted to us (Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux under the pseudonyms of Baron and Baronessa Araignee) and our business Araignee Arcane Services. Our writings are original and not copied content.

If you like any of our posts and would like to share them, feel free to do so by selecting one of the sharing options below. If you would like one of our blog posts to be on your website or blog (and for us to be guest bloggers) simply reach out to us via email.

Plagiarism is an extremely damaging and annoying thing – and by plagiarizing our work (or another’s) you are not just stealing – you are damaging your own name, as things like this always come to light. Don’t be a typical human.



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