Before we get to the vote...we will first share a bit of an update.
We have added a new review widget to our website and we are currently busy importing the product reviews over from our previous website.
What's nice about the widget we have added is that it does not just allow for specific product reviews, but also store reviews. If you have consulted with us before, have taken our services, employed us for Spellwork, purchased any of our books or even if you just like our work we ask you to please take a moment and write a review for us on our website.
If you want to write a overall "store" review, a review on us or a Spellwork review, you are welcome to do so on our homepage by scrolling all the way to the bottom. If, however, you would like to write a review on a specific product or service listed on our store, feel free to go to its associated page and also scroll down to the bottom.
Now, to the matter at hand!
Some of you may remember that we were working on a deck of Intuitive Divination cards - Melancholia - well, it's about time that we update you on that!
The cards, their designs, the card container design as well as the accompanying booklet is done and ready to send off to our printers for the first proof deck (which we will show off in due time of course!)
Before we send it off to the printers, however - we want your input on something...
Since it is an Intuitive Deck (meaning that it will rely heavily upon your intuition rather than prescribed meanings), and although the cards may have meanings already attached to them, your intuition upon each card as well as the questions you pose to them will likely vary from the prescribed meanings presented.
With this being said - here comes the voting aspect: would you like a booklet included with the deck, or would you like the booklet to be in digital format only, with the deck being physical?
Apart from the obvious difference in what you will get in the deck's container (booklet included versus not), the only other thing this will effect is the pricing.
Feel free to either vote on this by emailing us, using the chat function of this website, or simply by submitting your vote below.
We will run this vote for a few days, after which we will announce the outcome and proceed with the printing.
Should the deck include a physical booklet or not?
Yes - it should include a physical booklet
No - it can be a digital booklet only
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If you like any of our posts and would like to share them, feel free to do so by selecting one of the sharing options below. If you would like one of our blog posts to be on your website or blog (and for us to be guest bloggers) simply reach out to us via email.
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