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“Magick Without Tears” is a series of digital content created by Baron and Baronessa Araignee from Araignee Arcane Services that serve as simple instructions on various Rituals and Spellwork from various paths and paradigms to supplement your own practices with.


All content is presented faithfully in the authors’ typical and much-loved no-nonsense manner, being clear and to the point without unneeded pomp or flourish. Each booklet within this series will present an instructional Ritual or Spell – some created by the authors themselves, others historical and others still a mixture of both, especially in the cases where the original Rituals have not been


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At some point in life, you will inevitably encounter blockages and hindrances – where, try as you might, whatever you seek to achieve seems to be hidden behind a seemingly impenetrable wall or hindrance that you cannot seem to breach. When something should by all logical means work out for you, yet it simply does not. This is true for both your mundane life as well as your spiritual practices…yet we will argue that blockages in your spiritual and Magickal practices are especially infuriating – far more so than those you may encounter within your average day-to-day life.


Most of the time, these blockages may be focused on one particular area of your life, yet at times, this may even feel as if a “blanket” has been pulled over you and your practices – where you cannot seem to have even the simplest operation manifest or perform the most basic operation successfully – even though you should be able to. Where everything seems to be afflicted by stasis – divination, spiritual communication, Spellwork…where you become frozen in a state of stagnation, regardless of any attempts to get out of that mire.


Although there are many reasons why you may be hindered – such as you hindering yourself, hindrances caused by “accidental” Thoughtforms, hindrances caused by Entities, hindrances caused by curses, hindrances caused by crossed conditions and so on – there is one particular type of Spirit which is the very embodiment of hindrances and blockages…so much so that it has become anthropomorphic.


Within this booklet, we will introduce you to the Nurikabe, the Yokai of hindrance, and instruct you on how to remove its influence over you, your life and your practices – if, of course, it is responsible for the hindrances that you are experiencing.


This booklet forms one of many to come.


All of the booklets within this series of "Magick Without Tears" are exclusively digital.

Magick Without Tears: Removing a Nurikabe

  • Introduction


    About the Authors              


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