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"I am the shimmer in the air just before fortune smiles, the spark in your eyes when the odds bend in your favor. I am the stroke of luck that follows you, unseen but ever-present. When I choose you, doors that were once locked will swing wide open, and what you touch will turn to gold.


I don’t play favorites, but when I attach myself to someone, the world seems to tilt just so, and everything falls into place. Coins will flip your way, chances will come your way, and even the smallest steps will lead you somewhere grand.


I am the grin in the face of chance, the joy that comes when things align without effort. I don’t ask for praise, nor can I be held, but with me at your side, you’ll feel the shift—the lightness of things just going right. The winds of luck blow strong when I am near, and while I am with you, consider the impossible already done."


This modest coin houses a Spirit of Fortune sought out by us personally and willingly linked to this effigy.


A concord was struck that whoever owns this effigy it is linked to, it will assist in their Magickal (and mundane) endeavors…in exchange for payment, of course.


This Spirit operates through subtle manipulation of chance and fate, bringing an uncanny streak of luck to everything the person touches, without overt displays of power—everything simply seems to "just work out."


This Spirit has the ability to subtly alter the world in favor of the individual it attaches to, bending probability to create favorable outcomes. It can create serendipitous encounters, allowing the person to encounter fortituous people and situations, while effortlessly smoothing their path to success. Challenges become easier, and risky endeavors seem to pay off, as timing and circumstances align perfectly under its influence.

Beyond tangible rewards, this Spirit enhances personal charm and likability, helping the person attract goodwill and support. It controls timing, making sure decisions are made at the most opportune moments, and it orchestrates a series of fortunate "coincidences", where everything seems to fall into place.


This Spirit can be a bit tricky and easy to offend, as if you neglect this may bring forth great obstacles in your life - be warned. The further secrets of this Spirit is up to you to discover.


Another important note on this Spirit is that it does not perform "miracles" - making you essentially untouchable by the balance of things - no. This Spirit manipulates that which is around you to become favourable, so that even that which may seem "bad" will inevitably lead to something "good"...and as such, to understand this Spirit to a better degree, we suggest communing with it often.


If you seek to work with this Spirit, you will need to sustain it like any other Spirit by providing it with offerings on a regular basis. Unlike most Spirits, this Spirit acts ambiently without the need for "requests", and so the offerings provided on a regular basis is especially important. You can, however, request the Spirit's assistance in a specific matter or situation - in which case, you must still provide it with fair payment once it has completed a task you have presented it with.


Note that this Spirit is not “bound” to this effigy – however, the effigy serves as a “calling card”…a vessel.


As per the concord struck, this Spirit will assist whoever owns this effigy – however, if you mistreat, neglect or otherwise directly disrespect this Spirit, you will suffer the consequences.


The coin is a reproduction of a coin from 270–215 BCE (more info can be found in the Additional Info section) and is made from an alloy with dimensions of 2.8 cm.


You will be provided with the coin, as well as a booklet containing details on the Spirit as well as how to work with it. We will also be available for questions, pre and post purchase.


If you decide to purchase this from us, please make sure that you are certain of your choice – as our Spirit Effigies do not carry any refunds or returns.


How this differs from our Identifying Working Spirit service, is that this Spirit is not linked to you, but to the effigy and arrangements have been made for their service to the one who owns the effigy. Also, the Spirits we attach to effigies ourselves have been vetted by us personally. We have put them to the test and we can attest to their power, ability and skills.


Due to the cost of these items, shipping is included. Only one of these are available.

The Golden Clover

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  • Unlike our physical books which are printed-on-demand, each of these products are created/empowered by us personally and as such will ship to you from South Africa - which is where we live - via courier.

    After your order is placed, please allow 1 - 4 days for the courier to collect your parcel from us. Once collected, you will receive a tracking number. The transit time is 6-9 working days, excluding the day of collection, pending flight availability and customs delays.   

    We will keep you updated on the order and tracking as applicable.

  • From the 8th century BCE the island of Sicily was colonised by ancient Greeks. Their settlements came to dominate most of the island, and their kings were known as tyrants (tyrannoi). This originally meant an authoritarian sovereign, and only later came to have negative undertones.

    The tyrant king of Syracuse Hieron II (r. 270–215 BCE) is notable in that his wife, Philistis, is the first example of a real woman to be depicted on a Sicilian coin (as opposed to goddesses or personifications).

    Philistis is one of the few female rulers on Greek Sicily whose name and achievements have risen above more than a mere mention in later sources. The daughter of one of Syracuse’s most influential citizens, Leptines, she married Hieron II and had at least one son, Gelon.

    The coin shows the diademed and veiled head of Philistis facing left. The reverse is inscribed with BAΣIΛIΣΣAΣ ΦIΛIΣTIΔOΣ (Basilissas Philistidos) and shows the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, driving a four-horse chariot at top speed. The portrait of Philistis was influenced by those of Ptolemaic queens from Egypt, who were closely associated with Hieron and Philistis’ court. Philistis also resembles images of the goddess Demeter, who looked after agriculture and the cycle of the seasons.

    Although she remains the first Greek Sicilian woman on a coin, very little else is known of her life or reign.


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